Helping clients

sell MORE of

what they do!

Who we are

We are Redfoot Design.
An unashamedly small agency.
Small but perfectly formed!

For more than twenty years, we have helped many delighted clients improve their sales.

How? By using intelligent, strategic and creative design to create a 'voice' that talks directly to prospects and customers.

With a strong background in FMCG, the Redfoot partners have worked with numerous household names. From Suchard to Sainsbury's. From Scrabble to Mr Sheen.

Proud of this length and breadth of experience, our branding skills are proving invaluable, particularly to smaller clients. It gives them 'clout' and allows them to significantly 'punch above their weight', and to compete in a crowded arena with the bigger boys.

Be it web, literature or exhibitions. Packaging, promotions or Point of Sale, we never forget that what we do should help you sell more of whatever it is you do. We are proud to say that our growing, healthy and dynamic client base proves that we are delivering on this promise..

What we can do

So what can Redfoot do?

What we can do.

• Provide you with exciting creative marketing solutions

• Give you clear and concise quotations

• Always hit deadlines

• Help improve your sales!

What we won't do.

• Create meaningless, non-relevant design

• Feed you the latest design psychobabble

• Tardiness and poor quality

• Rip you off

Need to know more?

Please take a peak at some of the work we've done for our clients...or read some of our case studies.

How do we work?

Redfoot are an unashamedly small agency by modern standards. Why does size matter?

Small means we can react quickly to your requirements. Small means we take your work very seriously, and that we are all aware of virtually every job being processed through the studio.

Small means you don't have an endless round of speaking to receptionists, P.A.'s and answer phones if you are trying to track job progress, and that a specialist will always be doing your work.

(Not some studio junior purely because he had nothing else to do that day).

Importantly nowadays, small also means SMALLER BILLS FOR YOU.

We also rely on good old common sense, because in the end, we believe that common sense (along with some hard work and talent) is the essence of good design.



If you are interested in finding out more about the services we provide or simply want to have a chat about any up and coming projects you might want our help with, please fill in the form and click submit or give Tim or Ben a call.


We can come to you or we will put the kettle on and crack out the posh biscuits, it's up to you.

Contact Us

Redfoot are based in Langford near Biggleswade. (In a rural setting, not far from the A1).

Most of our work comes from the Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Buckinghamshire regions.

If you think we can help you with your visual marketing, feel free to get in touch for an informal get together.

Top tip: Gently remind us, and we'll even bring some posh biscuits.


1B Cambridge Road
SG18 9SE

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